Tuesday, January 16, 2007

GDZIE JEST PAPIER SKLEP? (Where is the $&% paper store?!)

for two weeks now, i have had a package to send home sitting in my locker at school. i just need some paper to cover it.

it seems poland has a law where you can't send a package without covering the box it was put in (if you are reusing one). as i mentioned before, i have been looking for this paper twice near the cinema. i found out last night that the store i was looking for, no longer exists. so i went to the girls in the office and asked them. coincidentally, the postman came then. gosia asked him and he said, "nie viem" which in english means, "i don't know". so, even the person who delivers and picks up these packages, doesn't know where i can find this paper to cover it. so, i've now been told that there's another store, closer to the school (why i wasn't told about this one before, i don't know) that should sell this paper. wish me luck.

*note: today did turn into a totally awesome day when i received a card from my aunt with family pictures and $10. very cool. anything from home can make your week. thanks wadja!!

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