Thursday, January 04, 2007


When I was just a young girl, my father let me take a sip of his beer. (I thought it was pretty cool.) I, of course, hated it but he assured me (thanks dad!) that beer is an "acquired taste." He guaranteed me that when I got older, I would like it. He was right.

Another thing that I have learned, growing up, is that there are other foods that I hated growing up that I now love. Sauerkraut, mushrooms... Now, something I've learned since being in Poland is that sauerkraut and mushrooms are staple items in the Polish diet. I've also learned that most Polish food, has this amazing ability to quickly become an acquired taste.

Since I've been here, I have had the oddest combinations of (usually starchy) foods and have gone on binges where I can't stop craving them. First, sweet cheese pierogie. These don't really count since I have liked them from day one. Second, was the borscht I had at Wigilia in Krakow. I had to choke it down but for some reason, when I came back to Opole, I was craving it. (I ate it for 3 days straight.) And lastly is makowka, a Christmas dessert traditional in some parts of Poland. My student saved some from his Christmas Eve dinner and brought it to me in a tupperware container. Now, it's pieces of wet bread (starch!), raisins, and other random fixins'; doesn't sound too appetizing. But I wanted to try it. And my student was waiting for my reaction (I think he wanted it if I didn't like it) and asked what I thought as soon as I took a bite. I wanted to be polite but I didn't want to lie so explained the concept of "acquired tastes" to him. Lo and behold, a week later, I'm savoring the last few bites I have left.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kinda sounds like bread pudding??? No?