Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Okay, the dog poo is getting a little ridiculous. It's like I'm walking through Spencer's gift shop sometimes. I feel like I'm about to get to the aisle with the fart pills and the old posters of Samantha Fox. C'mon now.

There seems to be an extreme dog poo problem in Poland. People let their dogs poo anywhere. No wonder Poles are remembered for being stoic people; I'd be pretty damn stoic if I spent my entire life trying to avoid stepping in shit. Well, literal shit at least.

Today is going awesome, aside from the everyday poo thing that I deal with. The girls in the office and I have a new understanding - and it's amazing how much that can change how you feel at work. I'm so much more chipper and I just have a better attitude. Granted, it may be partly because they need us to pick up a bunch more classes but at this point, I don't really care.

Today was also payday, which could have a big impact on my mood as well. Getting paid more for working less (I changed my contract hours and salary) is awesome. Of course I had to remind my boss about the agreement we made (she "forgot" that my overtime was after 24 hours and not 26...tsk, tsk) but she fixed it as soon as I brought it to her attention.

Also going to Wroclaw this weekend. I'm not drinking (still got that dizzy thing going on - did i ever write about that??) but I'm shopping and getting my groove on. It should be fun. Girl's weekend.

Also addicted to the Michael Buble cd that I wanted to burn before I left the states. One of my student's let me borrow it and I can't stop singing - it's fabulous. Especially that song, "Home"....

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