Tuesday, March 13, 2007


I can't believe it's 4:45am. I woke up to a dream that my school was going to make me somehow teach English on Friday nights, in a pool. C'mon now, how am I having these dreams?

Yesterday, we had a teacher's meeting with the administration of the school. So much has already gone down in the way of their attitutes towards us, the way they behave or threaten us, and our contracts that, the damage has already been done. When I first arrived, my roommate was the one to pick me up at the train station. Granted, there was a mix-up with the information but it would be in the school's interest to have some kind of way to check emails on the weekends. For all I know, they do but they just didn't do it. If the roomie hadn't picked me up, who knows what may have happened. Secondly, I was never apologized to for this. Not difficult but would have meant a lot. After this, we were never really told in a clear manner what time to be at the school for "training." We arrived at 8:00 and were told that the boss wouldn't come till 2:00 and that the meeting wasn't till that Thursday. I booked my plane ticket at the last minute because of a supposed orientation week. This was never really explained to me.

Later that week, we had our teacher's meeting. There was discussion on a position for resource manager. All of us native speakers were not only new at this particular school but new at teaching as well. We were threatened into someone taking the position or the books would be locked up. No new teacher wants to hear this when they've never taught a lesson before! No access to materials for planning?!

Our working hours consist, according to our contract, of 26 teaching hours, an hour and a half of "standby" and a teacher's meeting every week. I have been to 4 teachers meetings this year - not by choice but because that is the amount we've been offered. So, naturally, when we were told we had to have an hour of "office hours" and an hour of conversation club (on Monday nights!), we assumed we got paid for this. We were answered with an "it's in your contract." Well, I looked over the contract and it's not. "Then, it's in the school policy." Okay, it's there. But I signed the contract, not the policy. Oh no, slipperily, I signed that policy as well. Neatly under the written hours of the contract, made to look like it states I am signing the contract, it says, "I have read and understand and agree to the terms in the school policy." Very smooth.

So one of the teachers complained, again. Four, count it, four teachers have resigned since January. Somehow, we were finally heard...for now. We had a meeting and during this, we were asked what was ambigious with our contract. I stated, "nothing now - I've had 6 months to figure it out." (I of course, did this in a diplomatic, non-confrontational way.) My problem now: my roommate needs a ride to the store to buy more tapes and cds to copy class listening exercises for teachers. I privately told her I would give her a ride since she's scared to drive. She gets paid a monthly fee for doing this resource job. Well, once I agreed to it, I was given other "little things" on a trickling basis, from admin, to buy. Just posterboard and chocolates for the "St. Patty's quiz thing." Okay, I'll let it go. Well, then I'm asked to make this poster. Here's where my problem lies.

This is time out of my day. I'm driving my roommate to this store and now I'm stuck with extra work. It won't take me too long but it will take an hour, at least, to pull it all together. I don't work for free. Or at least not for people that have treated me in the way this school has in the past. So, do I write this hour on my timesheet and risk having to deal with explaining myself and looking like a money-grubbing jerk? Or do I let it go and just do the damn hour and not volunteer again?

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