Sunday, June 17, 2007


I should be (that should be my new catch phrase) packing the rest of my stuff seeing as I'm leaving Opole in less than two hours but I'm frustrated at the fact that I don't think I'll be able to fit it all and I don't know what to do. I think it means that I'm going to have to open up the "no-open" suitcase that I packed last night (souvenirs and winter stuff) and pull out a jogging suit or sneakers and part with them. That sucks so bad. But I have nice clothes that need to go back more than a jogging suit so I just have to deal. I would send it back home but 1. it's Sunday and I hightly doubt the post office is open and 2. I have barely any money since the director at my (former!) school is a cheat and scammed us out of 451 zloty for "overlimit water usage." It's such a crock. I had it out with her really bad and told her she could either give me my money or I was going on the Internet to post how ridiculous her school is and for all TEFL teachers not to work there. She kept babbling (after saying she would do the same to me) and indirectly chose the latter. So, once I'm settled in and have a minute, I'm going to write a nice, long warning to all my fellow teachers about what an unsupportive school ILS is. It's sad that this is what I leave with - this horrible taste in my mouth from that woman but the good news, it was temporarily forgotten thanks to a great night out with friends and students on Friday.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

am i reading this right? are you HOME in rochester? is that why it's your last morning in opole???? TELL ME! i don't want to miss it.

oh wow!

:) yay!