Sunday, November 04, 2007


A few days ago, I received an email from Susan, a former teacher from ILS that is going to be replacing me at Brytania. She told me that she thought the school had told me that she would be arriving to Debica on Tuesday and that she will be staying with me.


I live in a studio flat, that I might add, the school apologized to me for being so small (and that was when it was just me). Now they are going to add Susan to the small room and I'm interested in seeing where they think we'll sleep. I have a fold-out couch for a bed, which would be pusing it even if it were a close friend but this is a colleague I've known for a total of 6 months! I mean, she's a great girl and all but this is gonna be tight. And because it's a couch-turned-bed, there is a line in the middle that the rest of the mattress leans into and that only means that I'm going to be rolling into Susan for the next four nights.

So, since she told me, I tried to tidy up a bit and move some of my things to one area of the living room cabinets. I would pack some stuff but I still have a week and my suitcase will take up half the flat. I was really dreading simple things like going through paperwork that I need to keep and gathering my "US" stuff (money, license, passport, planner) that I didn't plan on looking at again for at least a few months. It's just weird stuff that you have to figure out where it's gonna go in the scheme of things, as far as in my carry-on, checked, my purse... But, I finally went through it all and tried to consolidate what I could (medicines, pictures), bring all my stuff that's almost gone and put it out so I can use those supplies before Friday (deodorant, face wash), and try and think about what I'm gonna wear/wash for the rest of the week as it takes a good two days for my clothes to dry on the line. It's funny what things can be annoying when you're looking to pack up. But I must say that for the most part, now I just need to find a place in my suitcase for it all on Friday night. But despite the adding of another body in my flat, and the dreading of teaching, and knowing that Friday night is going to be a feat in itself (going to Rzeszow that night but leaving for the airport at 5am from Debica) - it's every bit worth it when I think about the fact that I'll be home in less than a week.

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