Monday, November 05, 2007


So I was wrong. The school called me today and wanted to figure out how the sleeping arrangements were going to work when Susan got here. It seems that they're going to buy a cot to keep in my flat. Other good news - I'm getting paid. They took out money for my VISA and document costs but I'll be getting the remainder. My guy that gives me problems also said he won't be able to make Friday's lesson so today was my last time with him. That was kinda weird as I wasn't prepared to tell any students about my leaving yet; I figured it didn't start until tomorrow since my Monday classes repeat on Friday. It was weird and I was oddly shaking after I did it. Not sure what that means... I also had my two guys for tomorrow morning cancel which means that I'll be able to have Susan join me for their lesson on Thursday morning and that means less work for me. Susan is really good at just keeping conversation going and those guys love to talk. So that should be good. So, when I had a good feeling about this school, I should've believed that it would last till the end.


Anonymous said...

i should trust mine as well... it's hard to though, i constantly contradict myself. cant wait for you to be home.

Kimberly said...

are you home?!!!!!!!!!!!!!