Monday, November 05, 2007


So I was wrong. The school called me today and wanted to figure out how the sleeping arrangements were going to work when Susan got here. It seems that they're going to buy a cot to keep in my flat. Other good news - I'm getting paid. They took out money for my VISA and document costs but I'll be getting the remainder. My guy that gives me problems also said he won't be able to make Friday's lesson so today was my last time with him. That was kinda weird as I wasn't prepared to tell any students about my leaving yet; I figured it didn't start until tomorrow since my Monday classes repeat on Friday. It was weird and I was oddly shaking after I did it. Not sure what that means... I also had my two guys for tomorrow morning cancel which means that I'll be able to have Susan join me for their lesson on Thursday morning and that means less work for me. Susan is really good at just keeping conversation going and those guys love to talk. So that should be good. So, when I had a good feeling about this school, I should've believed that it would last till the end.

Sunday, November 04, 2007


A few days ago, I received an email from Susan, a former teacher from ILS that is going to be replacing me at Brytania. She told me that she thought the school had told me that she would be arriving to Debica on Tuesday and that she will be staying with me.


I live in a studio flat, that I might add, the school apologized to me for being so small (and that was when it was just me). Now they are going to add Susan to the small room and I'm interested in seeing where they think we'll sleep. I have a fold-out couch for a bed, which would be pusing it even if it were a close friend but this is a colleague I've known for a total of 6 months! I mean, she's a great girl and all but this is gonna be tight. And because it's a couch-turned-bed, there is a line in the middle that the rest of the mattress leans into and that only means that I'm going to be rolling into Susan for the next four nights.

So, since she told me, I tried to tidy up a bit and move some of my things to one area of the living room cabinets. I would pack some stuff but I still have a week and my suitcase will take up half the flat. I was really dreading simple things like going through paperwork that I need to keep and gathering my "US" stuff (money, license, passport, planner) that I didn't plan on looking at again for at least a few months. It's just weird stuff that you have to figure out where it's gonna go in the scheme of things, as far as in my carry-on, checked, my purse... But, I finally went through it all and tried to consolidate what I could (medicines, pictures), bring all my stuff that's almost gone and put it out so I can use those supplies before Friday (deodorant, face wash), and try and think about what I'm gonna wear/wash for the rest of the week as it takes a good two days for my clothes to dry on the line. It's funny what things can be annoying when you're looking to pack up. But I must say that for the most part, now I just need to find a place in my suitcase for it all on Friday night. But despite the adding of another body in my flat, and the dreading of teaching, and knowing that Friday night is going to be a feat in itself (going to Rzeszow that night but leaving for the airport at 5am from Debica) - it's every bit worth it when I think about the fact that I'll be home in less than a week.

Friday, November 02, 2007


After spending so much time here, and dreaming of this since I was little, today finally came - today I saw the place my mother called home in Poland.

We spent the morning cooking and eating and at about 1:00, my great aunt Leska told me we were leaving to see my grandfather's old house. I grabbed all my cameras (yes, I brought two) and hopped in the van. We drove about 5 minutes and ended up down what I imagine used to be a dirt road (it's been paved since but is still only big enough for one car - the other has to wait for the one to go by) and Leska told me we were driving down the road my family used to walk to school on. I was enthralled. I wanted to get out and take pictures right there but I figured we were almost to the house.

It was quite a ways down but we finally reached it - a perfectly cozy-looking house at the end of the road, on the top of a hill my mother has often spoke of. I first stepped out of the van and looked at the vast field that used to be my grandfather's farm. Everyone was behind me and oblivious to the magnitude of the moment for me so, not wanting to totally embarrass myself, I quickly choked back the surfacing tears and rejoined my family. I couldn't believe I was there. The stories my mother has told me all have a place in my mind now. I looked at the fence she said she used to walk along, wondering if it was the same one. I saw my grandfather tending the farm. It was amazing. I wish I could've sat there for hours but it was cold and the others were waiting for me. They said I could take as long as I wanted but I felt a bit self-conscious being the sentimental sap that I am.

After almost an entire roll of film and digital pictures for the blog, we hopped in the van and headed to the cemetery. I visited my great grandmother's grave again (we went yesterday for All Saint's Day) and this time, Leska pointed out my great grandfather's grave. I was able to get some pictures for everyone back home, and say a few more prayers to those passed.

All in all, I had an amazing time with my family these past two days- both spending time with those that are here, remembering those that are no longer, and thanking God for the ones I will be returning to in a week.