Monday, October 01, 2007


Fact - I have not yet received my Visa and my flight is scheduled for this Thursday morning.
Feeling - I am slightly panicked about this.

Fact - I may choose not to go to Poland this fall if I don't receive my Visa in time.
Feeling - I think my karma will rot if I don't show up in Debica in the next few weeks.

Fact - I just received an email from a colleague who is not technically a native English speaker but is looking for a job in Polska.
Feeling - I am wondering if aforementioned karma could be slightly more positive if I refered my friend to my job, if I don't go.

Fact - I am afraid that if I don't go, I will regret it.
Feeling - I am afraid that if I do go, I will regret it.

Fact - I am an extremely lucky girl for a lot of different reasons.
Feeling - I am afraid I might be pushing my luck.

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