Sunday, October 07, 2007


I am so freaking happy right now that I want to scream (in fact, I think I did a little). I don’t want to speak too soon (even though I am) but I think that Debica is Kluczbork!

Okay, explanation:

Before I left home, I was telling Jon about how Debica could go one of two ways; one, it could be a small town where everyone is poor and so those that can afford to take classes are extremely demanding (as they should be but that’s still intimidating) or (and this is how I’m beginning to think it is) the town is small (like Kluczbork was last year) and is just brimming with people that are so happy and grateful for a native speaking English teacher that they’re eager to talk and not so difficult to deal with.

Okay, more of an explanation as to why I’m beginning to think this:

It’s 8:00 on a Sunday night. I’ve been here for two days now and my director of studies just called my cell phone to see how I’m doing. She asked if I got a chance to see the town and if I was ready to begin tomorrow. I’m in shock. I am honestly so happy to be lucky enough to work for a school that cares (or at least seems to care) so much about its teachers. This is like night and day with ILS. At this rate, I’m hoping I can maybe get one of my colleagues to come teach the spring semester here so I can head out early in mid-February.

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