Friday, March 23, 2007


Lately, again, I'm getting that overwhelming feeling that everything is amazing. Life is gorgeous, a blessing. The rain is a drizzle that catches me without my umbrella, there's a never-ending overcast that hangs over Opole, my classes really piss me off sometimes, I have a chill that I can't seem to get out of my bones, and I live on peas and corn but for some reason, I feel so alive.

Is it Polska?
Eh....not so sure about that.
Is it freedom from anything binding or boring that I may have known in my "past" life?
Is it the recent recognition of philosophical and sociological predictions backed by human relations forming patterns before my eyes?
Possibly....but I'm not so sure I know what I just said.
Is it the Excedrin migraine pills mixed with coffee that I took at 6:30 this morning?
Ummmm....more than likely.

Okay, so that may attribute to this morning's ecstasy but in all honesty, there are times I feel like I just can't not smile. Sometimes I feel like my heart is literally going to crack open from so much, I don't even know what the hell's in there. What's wrong with me?!

I guess maybe I have this newfound appreciation for everything and it amazes me what little things can do; a new friend to travel with, hearing from someone I haven't heard from in years, a guilt-free indulgence in chocolate, an "I miss you" from a friend - but all seeming to be things that can attribute to me waking up randomly at 2:30 in the morning and just smiling.

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