Wednesday, March 28, 2007


My Tuesday morning class suffers from my perpetual lateness. It seems that I just can't get to that class on time. I have no idea. So yesterday, I'm on my way up to the room, and I realize I forgot my tape player. So I run back downstairs, grab the tape player and start to haul ass back up. Well, I had the tape player and my water and the register in my hand and what do I do?...biff it. I totally trip on the stairs and the tape player makes this huge echo of plastic machinery against tiled stairs. Luckily, there was nobody in the area but I knew my one student was already up in the room (he, unlike me, is always on time) and would know that I knew that I was late and thus this was why I was rushing to get there on time. Totally embarrassing.

So then today, I'm walking over the bridge and I take out my cell to see if I got a message back from my friend and what do I do this time?...I drop it. I am crossing the bridge over a river and I drop my phone. I seriously watch it fall in slow motion over the side of the bridge. I let out a totally-English, "Oh shit" and watch it go. Luckily, I was to the point on the bridge where there's an embankment below and so thankfully, I see my phone hit and I am able to walk down and retrieve it. But as I'm going down, I see these two boys watching from above. (Now, a few times in Poland I have had the pleasure of a run-in with what they call "hooligans." And in only a few weeks, Poland will celebrate what they refer to as "Wet Monday"; an event where anybody walking the street can be hit with a bucket of water, a squirt gun...things of that nature. So as I walk down the stairs to the bank of the river, I can picture hooligans spitting on me or throwing stuff.) But alas, I survived, untouched and with my phone. But honestly, am I really this clumsy?

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