Below my kitchen window is a small convenience store. It's frequented by the gypsies across the street (you can see one on the pic if you look closely) and the kids who normally light fireworks off in the parking lot behind my building. But don't judge a shady alcohol provider by its patrons. Inside this little shop is two of the nicest Polish women I have met since living here. The first, yelled at me in Polish when I almost walked away without a large amount of change after buying my phone card. (It was a long day.) The other, smiles continuously (something extremely rare in Poland) as she attempts to speak what little English she knows to me. After a normal day of people hogging the sidewalk, standing in front of you when you're looking in the shop window, thinking you're mentally handicap if you smile at them; these two ladies are a breath of fresh, genuinely friendly, air.
1 comment:
mmm... they sound lovely! it's women like this that can really make poland feel like home. miss you darlin'.
sorry i didn't respond to your message yesterday... i was on a thesis roll and didn't want to stop. i'm not really sure how i changed it.... i think just how you're trying, i cant' imagine what teh deal is. silly blogger.
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