it's really coming down out there. they've blocked off the grocery store stairs so the men can clean off the roof. they're actually shoveling it cause there's no slope. not really sure what that's all about.
had a good day yesterday. my kluczbork classes were even more awesome. i guess i had some good lessons. those kids make me want to be a better teacher. they just love learning and love information. who wouldn't want those kind of students on a daily basis?? then i came home and did some research for what i want to do when i get back to the states. thinking of getting my ma in creative writing and teaching at a college. not sure why i can't ever just be content where i am but i love, love, love to daydream. it's one of my favorite things to do.
currently procrastinating on my reading for class. i still have to write some papers. i'm supposed to meet friends in krakow but i really don't feel like it. i'll feel like such a cop-out if i don't go though. we've been planning it for weeks. i know i'll have fun once i get there but it's the whole act of bringing two weeks of stuff with me and shoving it into a locker while i sit at a bar until the bus to nowy sacz comes in the morning. i dont think we're getting a hostel so this was the alternative. ugh. i just don't think it's a good idea. i know i'll be kicking myself sunday morning when i haven't gotten any sleep.
wow. it's nearly a white-out now. i can just picture myself with my crappy backpack trying to walk that mile to the train station....
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Thursday, January 25, 2007
the "polish" winter has finally hit - and it's beautiful. the snow is covering everything and it's so pretty. inches of snow are sitting on the branches just outside my window and for once, i don't mind looking out there so much.
getting ready to head out to czestochowa to see my "niece" this weekend. very excited. it's been ages since i've held a newborn (well, she's a few months old) and i can't wait. can't wait to see sachin too. then it's off to krakow for the night. i may finally be getting a little better with this cold (i think i might have the sinus problems my father has - thanks dad...) and am beginning to look forward to two weeks of being in the student seat of the classroom and hopefully learning something that will help me when i get back to opole. well, that and hanging out with people that can understand my english (which basically consists of me saying "like", "ya know", "totally", "stuff" and "things" a lot).
had my observation last night. went well. of course it was a reading lesson so there's not much actual "teaching" involved in that. talked to lindsey last night which was really nice. i love talking to friends back home. people here are nice and we get along but i miss those people that know me inside out. thanks linds.
sent a package home yesterday. just some clothes and a few gifts for family members. it cost me 89 zloty - which in US dollars is maybe about $30 bucks but in the scheme of my 730 zloty a month pay, it's highway robbery.
getting ready to head out to czestochowa to see my "niece" this weekend. very excited. it's been ages since i've held a newborn (well, she's a few months old) and i can't wait. can't wait to see sachin too. then it's off to krakow for the night. i may finally be getting a little better with this cold (i think i might have the sinus problems my father has - thanks dad...) and am beginning to look forward to two weeks of being in the student seat of the classroom and hopefully learning something that will help me when i get back to opole. well, that and hanging out with people that can understand my english (which basically consists of me saying "like", "ya know", "totally", "stuff" and "things" a lot).
had my observation last night. went well. of course it was a reading lesson so there's not much actual "teaching" involved in that. talked to lindsey last night which was really nice. i love talking to friends back home. people here are nice and we get along but i miss those people that know me inside out. thanks linds.
sent a package home yesterday. just some clothes and a few gifts for family members. it cost me 89 zloty - which in US dollars is maybe about $30 bucks but in the scheme of my 730 zloty a month pay, it's highway robbery.
Sunday, January 21, 2007

pictures on the way to kluczbork. nothing in particular, just some polish countryside.
ahhh....the weekend. love it. but it means work. and it means me worrying about the work i'm not doing because i'm either watching ugly betty on peekvid or sleeping this hangover/being sick off.
spent saturday running around opole looking for a hair straightener. i (stupidly) asked the one drunk guy on the bus where the big shopping center was and he didn't understand me and then he wouldn't stop talking to me. luckily i was able to ask some ladies. then, i oddly enough ran into that one student that gives me problems in my wednesday class, just as i was getting off the bus. he pointed me in the right direction and was really nice. he actually came running after me when he saw me walking in the wrong direction to the plaza. maybe he isn't trying to give me a hard time. maybe he just doesn't know how to ask questions in a way that isn't intimidating. maybe it's just that i'm a horrendous teacher and have no idea what the hell i'm doing up there.
Friday, January 19, 2007
I finally broke down and bought a mass amount of individually packed tissues. I had to. I was gonna try and stick it out with the toilet paper at my flat and the school but my nose is officially raw. So bad that I woke up in the middle of the night. Then, proceeded to have one of the worst mornings since I've been here.
My contacts were like pure chemicals in my eyes. Have no idea how that happened. Then, my straightener broke. Then, I missed the bus by 30 seconds (yes, I saw it drive away) and decided to walk in the hurricane wind to school. (There was actual hurricane warnings last night.) Whew. But it's Friday! (*insert smiling face*)
Off to Kluczbork in a few minutes. Love those classes but I feel so sick. I hope I can make it. Then it's MiP homework all weekend. Have to do that presentation. Other than that, I'm addicted to and have been watching whatever I can in the way of current American television. Next weekend, I'll be able to spread my wings and head out to Czestochowa and Krakow for some relaxation before my classes start. Can't wait.
My contacts were like pure chemicals in my eyes. Have no idea how that happened. Then, my straightener broke. Then, I missed the bus by 30 seconds (yes, I saw it drive away) and decided to walk in the hurricane wind to school. (There was actual hurricane warnings last night.) Whew. But it's Friday! (*insert smiling face*)
Off to Kluczbork in a few minutes. Love those classes but I feel so sick. I hope I can make it. Then it's MiP homework all weekend. Have to do that presentation. Other than that, I'm addicted to and have been watching whatever I can in the way of current American television. Next weekend, I'll be able to spread my wings and head out to Czestochowa and Krakow for some relaxation before my classes start. Can't wait.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Well, if I accidentally wrote anything nice about the school and how they handled my being sick yesterday - it was just that, an accident.
Went in today and was told that they didn't know anything about my being sick yesterday. Seems my director of studies thinks that when you call in sick, it only means for the first part of the day; if you're going to continue being sick, you need to call someone else at 10am. So yes, today when I went in and decided to stop off at the office to apologize for the "miscommunication", I was once again given looks as though I'm an insensitive, idiot jerk. I think I'm realizing that you don't apologize for inconvenience in this culture; doing so implies that you believe you actually did something wrong and thus need to be reprimanded.
Getting ready to head off to Krakow next weekend before going to Nowy Sacz for school. Very excited to see everyone and hoping it will be a breath of fresh English-speaking air. It will probably be a decent amount of work but I'm hoping it won't impede my catching up with friends.
Went in today and was told that they didn't know anything about my being sick yesterday. Seems my director of studies thinks that when you call in sick, it only means for the first part of the day; if you're going to continue being sick, you need to call someone else at 10am. So yes, today when I went in and decided to stop off at the office to apologize for the "miscommunication", I was once again given looks as though I'm an insensitive, idiot jerk. I think I'm realizing that you don't apologize for inconvenience in this culture; doing so implies that you believe you actually did something wrong and thus need to be reprimanded.
Getting ready to head off to Krakow next weekend before going to Nowy Sacz for school. Very excited to see everyone and hoping it will be a breath of fresh English-speaking air. It will probably be a decent amount of work but I'm hoping it won't impede my catching up with friends.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
my skin has that ultra sensitive feeling-like if something in slightly the wrong temperature comes near it, it feels like little pins.
i went to conversation club on monday night and although i didn't smoke a cigarette, i inhaled mass amounts of secondhand. which wouldn't normally affect me but for some reason, the next morning i woke up feeling as though i myself had smoked a pack of reds. i was doing okay aside from the sore throat but then yesterday, before my kids class, i felt naseous. so today, i called in for the first time at ils. i hate calling in sick. i usually try and stick it out but i knew if i did, this was gonna get worse and then i'd probably miss more than i planned. and i had three classes in a row today - there's no way that would fare well.
when i first moved here, i got sick. then, a month or two later, sick again. and now, this is my third time. when you're a child, you get sick a lot because you're body's not yet immune to all the weird germs it comes in contact with. i think that's what's going on here. that, or the weird brownish orange water that's coming out of our faucets is finally taking a toll.
i went to conversation club on monday night and although i didn't smoke a cigarette, i inhaled mass amounts of secondhand. which wouldn't normally affect me but for some reason, the next morning i woke up feeling as though i myself had smoked a pack of reds. i was doing okay aside from the sore throat but then yesterday, before my kids class, i felt naseous. so today, i called in for the first time at ils. i hate calling in sick. i usually try and stick it out but i knew if i did, this was gonna get worse and then i'd probably miss more than i planned. and i had three classes in a row today - there's no way that would fare well.
when i first moved here, i got sick. then, a month or two later, sick again. and now, this is my third time. when you're a child, you get sick a lot because you're body's not yet immune to all the weird germs it comes in contact with. i think that's what's going on here. that, or the weird brownish orange water that's coming out of our faucets is finally taking a toll.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
GDZIE JEST PAPIER SKLEP? (Where is the $&% paper store?!)
for two weeks now, i have had a package to send home sitting in my locker at school. i just need some paper to cover it.
it seems poland has a law where you can't send a package without covering the box it was put in (if you are reusing one). as i mentioned before, i have been looking for this paper twice near the cinema. i found out last night that the store i was looking for, no longer exists. so i went to the girls in the office and asked them. coincidentally, the postman came then. gosia asked him and he said, "nie viem" which in english means, "i don't know". so, even the person who delivers and picks up these packages, doesn't know where i can find this paper to cover it. so, i've now been told that there's another store, closer to the school (why i wasn't told about this one before, i don't know) that should sell this paper. wish me luck.
*note: today did turn into a totally awesome day when i received a card from my aunt with family pictures and $10. very cool. anything from home can make your week. thanks wadja!!
it seems poland has a law where you can't send a package without covering the box it was put in (if you are reusing one). as i mentioned before, i have been looking for this paper twice near the cinema. i found out last night that the store i was looking for, no longer exists. so i went to the girls in the office and asked them. coincidentally, the postman came then. gosia asked him and he said, "nie viem" which in english means, "i don't know". so, even the person who delivers and picks up these packages, doesn't know where i can find this paper to cover it. so, i've now been told that there's another store, closer to the school (why i wasn't told about this one before, i don't know) that should sell this paper. wish me luck.
*note: today did turn into a totally awesome day when i received a card from my aunt with family pictures and $10. very cool. anything from home can make your week. thanks wadja!!
Monday, January 15, 2007
this is my second time walking around the kinoplex (cinema in opole) trying to find the store that sells paper to cover a package i want to send home. it sounds like such a simple task but when you walk out of your way for a specific reason and are unable to get what you need, twice, it's extremely frustrating.
yesterday my roommate and i watched a drunk kid across the street. turns out he was laying in the parking lot when some people saw him and helped him up. then, we watched him proceed to light a cigarette and try to smoke it as he literally swayed around the parking lot until he fell, again.
have one class taken away on mondays. i shared it with a veteran polish teacher who it seems has quit after 15 years. where in america, this might begin to tell the administration something (my roommate has put in his notice as well), here they just seem to accept it. they don't think to look within and see if they can solve the problem. i've been thinking of using the opportunity to complain about my wednesday class and see if i can't get something done about it but i'm afraid i'll somehow trade bad for worse. the thing that really stinks is that i dont have a ten minute break between my okay class and my horrible class so i have no time to mentally prepare for the switch. especially since that's my most difficult class.
i've been daydreaming again, as i do so well. thinking about what i want to do when i go back home. as i knew but wanted to ignore, learning spanish would be extremely beneficial for me. i have to figure out what i'm going to do next year. if i stay in poland, i might have to go another year in tefl and teach down in mexico. but i really miss my family and friends so i guess i have some thinking to do.
yesterday my roommate and i watched a drunk kid across the street. turns out he was laying in the parking lot when some people saw him and helped him up. then, we watched him proceed to light a cigarette and try to smoke it as he literally swayed around the parking lot until he fell, again.
have one class taken away on mondays. i shared it with a veteran polish teacher who it seems has quit after 15 years. where in america, this might begin to tell the administration something (my roommate has put in his notice as well), here they just seem to accept it. they don't think to look within and see if they can solve the problem. i've been thinking of using the opportunity to complain about my wednesday class and see if i can't get something done about it but i'm afraid i'll somehow trade bad for worse. the thing that really stinks is that i dont have a ten minute break between my okay class and my horrible class so i have no time to mentally prepare for the switch. especially since that's my most difficult class.
i've been daydreaming again, as i do so well. thinking about what i want to do when i go back home. as i knew but wanted to ignore, learning spanish would be extremely beneficial for me. i have to figure out what i'm going to do next year. if i stay in poland, i might have to go another year in tefl and teach down in mexico. but i really miss my family and friends so i guess i have some thinking to do.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Last week, I taught my pre-teenager class the term "frequently asked questions". (I don't write the textbooks, I just follow them.) Anyhow, they read a fake webpage about mice and then had to design their own webpage. They were so excited when I pulled out the colored pencils that they weren't thinking about the content that needed to go on the page. So I asked my strongest student what his webpage was going to be about. He replied cars. So I asked him; "What questions do people have about cars?"
"What is fastest car in the world?"
"Okay, good", I said. "What is the fastest car in the world? What next?"
"How can I pimp my ride?"
Please remind me of this story when I want to quit teaching.
"What is fastest car in the world?"
"Okay, good", I said. "What is the fastest car in the world? What next?"
"How can I pimp my ride?"
Please remind me of this story when I want to quit teaching.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
whew. finally got a new address which i'm super psyched about. feel like now i can be a little more candid about what's been going on. (i gave the address to a teacher at the beginning of the year and feel like i couldn't really be truthful since it would probably get back to administration.)
things are going okay. i just got off the phone with my sister and every time i talk to someone about normal things for an extended period of time, i get extremely homesick. it makes me feel like i'm home and could see them in a few days. and then i realize not.
classes are going alright. my wednesday night class is horrendous but i'm trying to deal. when i left there last night, i wanted to walk right up to my boss and tell her i was refusing to teach them anymore. there's just this one kid (and i mean 16 year old boy) that gives me a hard time in every lesson. he finds the one stupid grammar question to ask that has nothing to do with anything and he (i think) usually knows the answer to already. he's constantly trying to make me look stupid in front of the class and it usually helps. because of his antics, i don't ever explain grammar the way i'd like to (thoroughly and clearly) because i know he'll always find the exception to the rule and ask me about it. and seeing as i don't know how to find the exceptions before i teach it, it always proves to be a stressful situation in where i get seriously pissed off at him and then basically just stick to the book and give him nasty "impatient teacher" looks whenever he opens his mouth. it makes me sad though because there are students that could benefit from me being a confident and fun teacher but i have tried in that class and i just can't do it. so now, they all suffer because of this one pompous kid who likes to be a jerk.
things are going okay. i just got off the phone with my sister and every time i talk to someone about normal things for an extended period of time, i get extremely homesick. it makes me feel like i'm home and could see them in a few days. and then i realize not.
classes are going alright. my wednesday night class is horrendous but i'm trying to deal. when i left there last night, i wanted to walk right up to my boss and tell her i was refusing to teach them anymore. there's just this one kid (and i mean 16 year old boy) that gives me a hard time in every lesson. he finds the one stupid grammar question to ask that has nothing to do with anything and he (i think) usually knows the answer to already. he's constantly trying to make me look stupid in front of the class and it usually helps. because of his antics, i don't ever explain grammar the way i'd like to (thoroughly and clearly) because i know he'll always find the exception to the rule and ask me about it. and seeing as i don't know how to find the exceptions before i teach it, it always proves to be a stressful situation in where i get seriously pissed off at him and then basically just stick to the book and give him nasty "impatient teacher" looks whenever he opens his mouth. it makes me sad though because there are students that could benefit from me being a confident and fun teacher but i have tried in that class and i just can't do it. so now, they all suffer because of this one pompous kid who likes to be a jerk.
Sunday, January 07, 2007

Below my kitchen window is a small convenience store. It's frequented by the gypsies across the street (you can see one on the pic if you look closely) and the kids who normally light fireworks off in the parking lot behind my building. But don't judge a shady alcohol provider by its patrons. Inside this little shop is two of the nicest Polish women I have met since living here. The first, yelled at me in Polish when I almost walked away without a large amount of change after buying my phone card. (It was a long day.) The other, smiles continuously (something extremely rare in Poland) as she attempts to speak what little English she knows to me. After a normal day of people hogging the sidewalk, standing in front of you when you're looking in the shop window, thinking you're mentally handicap if you smile at them; these two ladies are a breath of fresh, genuinely friendly, air.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
When I was just a young girl, my father let me take a sip of his beer. (I thought it was pretty cool.) I, of course, hated it but he assured me (thanks dad!) that beer is an "acquired taste." He guaranteed me that when I got older, I would like it. He was right.
Another thing that I have learned, growing up, is that there are other foods that I hated growing up that I now love. Sauerkraut, mushrooms... Now, something I've learned since being in Poland is that sauerkraut and mushrooms are staple items in the Polish diet. I've also learned that most Polish food, has this amazing ability to quickly become an acquired taste.
Since I've been here, I have had the oddest combinations of (usually starchy) foods and have gone on binges where I can't stop craving them. First, sweet cheese pierogie. These don't really count since I have liked them from day one. Second, was the borscht I had at Wigilia in Krakow. I had to choke it down but for some reason, when I came back to Opole, I was craving it. (I ate it for 3 days straight.) And lastly is makowka, a Christmas dessert traditional in some parts of Poland. My student saved some from his Christmas Eve dinner and brought it to me in a tupperware container. Now, it's pieces of wet bread (starch!), raisins, and other random fixins'; doesn't sound too appetizing. But I wanted to try it. And my student was waiting for my reaction (I think he wanted it if I didn't like it) and asked what I thought as soon as I took a bite. I wanted to be polite but I didn't want to lie so explained the concept of "acquired tastes" to him. Lo and behold, a week later, I'm savoring the last few bites I have left.
Another thing that I have learned, growing up, is that there are other foods that I hated growing up that I now love. Sauerkraut, mushrooms... Now, something I've learned since being in Poland is that sauerkraut and mushrooms are staple items in the Polish diet. I've also learned that most Polish food, has this amazing ability to quickly become an acquired taste.
Since I've been here, I have had the oddest combinations of (usually starchy) foods and have gone on binges where I can't stop craving them. First, sweet cheese pierogie. These don't really count since I have liked them from day one. Second, was the borscht I had at Wigilia in Krakow. I had to choke it down but for some reason, when I came back to Opole, I was craving it. (I ate it for 3 days straight.) And lastly is makowka, a Christmas dessert traditional in some parts of Poland. My student saved some from his Christmas Eve dinner and brought it to me in a tupperware container. Now, it's pieces of wet bread (starch!), raisins, and other random fixins'; doesn't sound too appetizing. But I wanted to try it. And my student was waiting for my reaction (I think he wanted it if I didn't like it) and asked what I thought as soon as I took a bite. I wanted to be polite but I didn't want to lie so explained the concept of "acquired tastes" to him. Lo and behold, a week later, I'm savoring the last few bites I have left.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
After a long and wonderful break of doing nothing but traveling, a little bit of homework, and relaxing in front of the computer; I'm heading back to teaching. I must admit that although I find it completely draining at times, I'm actually looking forward to going back. I feel refreshed and ready. And the fact that I have two weeks off to go to school at the end of this month - well, that helps. So three weeks of work and homework and then two weeks of long days in the classroom, on the other side.
Good news too- my sister might be coming to see me! She said plans fell through (are falling through?) for Paris and that her and her boyfriend might come to Krakow. It'll be a tight month with a visit to Krakow and homework and school...and the other school, but it would be SO nice to see her and John. God I need a hug from her...
Good news too- my sister might be coming to see me! She said plans fell through (are falling through?) for Paris and that her and her boyfriend might come to Krakow. It'll be a tight month with a visit to Krakow and homework and school...and the other school, but it would be SO nice to see her and John. God I need a hug from her...
Monday, January 01, 2007
Just realized that I wrote about Christmas but never had the chance to put some pictures up. Here you go, dad...enjoy!

Firework display at midnight.
Dancers on stage.
New Year's Eve is different here in Poland. It's "reservation only" in all the bars (even the crappy ones) and a lot of people actually dress up. Very cool. Would've been cooler if I could have participated but my New Year's Eve ended up great. I slipped into my pink long johns and headed out to Wroclaw; a nearby city that was supposed to have the "biggest party in Poland". They had a huge outdoor concert with famous singers (that I of course, didn't know) and comedians from Poland. I did actually recognize a few songs from the radio station here so that was cool. After the countdown (which I successfully did in Polish!), they had a nice firework display and then I was blessed to have some guy spraying champagne over my area of the crowd. All in all, I'm feeling fairly optimistic about 2007 - Cheers!
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