Sunday, June 10, 2007


It is currently 10:12 am and I have successfully dodged working on my upcoming presentation for...about 2 hours now. I woke up so diligently at 6:30 am and did work for about an hour and a half but after needing to jump online for some additional research, I folded. I need to begin the PowerPoint design part but working on that is so final, thus the reason why I'm such a procrastinator when it comes to these things. I have been escaping the aforementioned work by:
  1. reading (and forwarding the link to unsuspecting friends) a fabulous website I stumbled on when I was researching my topic of single-sexed schools.

  2. daydreaming about my future home.

  3. logging into facebook, adding quotes and reading notes.

  4. cooking onions and eggs.

  5. catching up on my correspondence.

  6. being quiet so as to (hopefully) not wake up the roomies.

  7. calling a taxi (successfully, might I add) for my one roommate to go to work. (How is she a waitress when she doesn't even speak the language??)

  8. daydreaming about my future, again, but this time more generally.

  9. downloading Alice Neel paintings to use as my new, inspiring desktop.

  10. writing in my blog about how I am currently (and successfully, might I add) putting off my work.

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