Friday, April 06, 2007


Wesolych Swiat...again! Since the same phrase is used for both Christmas and Easter, I'm lucky in that I already learned this one.

Today I spent the day relaxing once again. It's been wonderful. I first went to the library to bring back the rest of my books and see if I could renew one of them. But the woman at the counter only spoke Polish or French but somehow, by merely pointing to the bookmark in my book, I was able to communicate my desire to renew it. Yes - mission one accomplished.

After that, I headed to the Easter market to shop a bit. Ended up finding a great necklace and the scarf that I've seen everyone and their mother wearing here but had yet to find till today. Then a cheap bracelet and a family member gift. Then I went to buy the perfume that I want at the drug store, only to find out that it's 185 zloty; a little too steep for me. So I traveled to the next drug store and found a cheap perfume for 7 zloty that I solely bought based on it's name - Anais Nin, my favorite writer. Although I'm sure she'd turn in her grave for me buying a perfume based solely on her name, what's a girl to do...I needed something new.

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